Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Recipes to deal with Summer Stroke


Mangoes, curds and fresh mint leaves are all the ingredients you require to make this refreshing slush.Serve it along with a spicy chaat to soothe your taste buds!

Preparation Time: 10 mins.
Cooking Time: Nil.

Serves 4.
Ø 2 to 3 mangoes
, peeled and sliced
Ø 1½ cups fresh curd

Ø 1 tbsp mint
leaves, chopped
Ø 4 tbsp sugar

Ø few ice cubes
Ø A few mint
leaves for garnishing


1. Crush all the ingredients in a food processor.
2. Pour the mango curds squash into shallow freezer proof container. Freeze until slushy for about 4 to 6 hours.
3. Transfer it to a blender and liquidize till it is slushy. Serve immediately after garnishing with mint leaves.